
5 Healthy Habits

5 Healthy Habits from Results Fitness & Training Studio . . . be stronger, fitter, healthier, & just feel better.
 1. Eat Less
 This sounds simple but portion control is a huge factor for losing weight & feeling healthy.
 Our job at Results Fitness & Training Studio is to help our clients become  "aware" of how much food they're eating. Seems small, but it makes a big difference.
 The very best way to be aware of what you are eating & how much . . . JOURNAL! Grab a notebook and write down everything you eat & drink. At Results Fitness & Training Studio we ask our clients to journal everyday and each week we ask to see their journals, this is one of the key components to our clients seeing results.
 After we review the journals we simply make small changes; replacing calories with little or no nutritional value with calories that are full of nutritional value. Simple changes that have you looking better & more importantly feeling better; just ask our clients at Results Fitness & Training Studio - they are looking & feeling great!

 2. Eat Healthy
 Depending on who you ask, "healthy" food can mean different things. But there is one universal truth: More nutrients with fewer calories is a recipe for success.
 At Results Fitness & Training Studio we ask our clients to rev up the protein; reduce/eliminate the white carbs; eat small portions of nutrient rich carbs; and decrease the sugar. Eating lean meats, vegetables, high-quality fats, healthy carbs, and less sugar is the key to weight loss & weight maintenance.
 3. Move more often
 Many people are under the false impression that the only way to lose weight is to work out for hours; hit the pavement daily for morning jogs; or ride the bike for miles & miles. Fortunately, this is not true. Simply adding movement to your day will make a difference.
 Taking the stairs, parking the car at the end of the lot, going for a bike ride, or walking to lunch, may seem like small steps, but they are extra movement & they make an impact on how your body feels and how many calories you burn. We have a client at Results Fitness & Training Studio who has started biking on Sundays with her husband, a pleasant activity that she enjoys & it adds movement to her day.
 Of course, this isn't all you need, but it does kick-start the fat loss process. It also supports rules number four and five.
 4. Strength Train 2 or 3 times per week
 To look and feel better & reduce body fat, you need to build & preserve muscle. Weight-training or bodyweight workouts will add the muscle you need. At Results Fitness & Training Studio we spend 30 mins on strength/core/balance work each and every session, some sessions are more intense then others but they all do the job - build muscle!
 The best thing you can do is get started. Join Results Fitness & Training Studio for 2 or 3 sessions per week and begin your journey to a leaner, stronger, healthier body. Call us today at 603.718.0335 or email me to set up your Free Session.
 A word to the wise: Working out is not complicated. The truth is, all you need is something that gets you in the gym a few times per week - Commitment. This is why the sessions at Results Fitness & Training Studio are by appointment. You are committed to your appointment and we are committed to you and your goals.
 5. Interval Training
 If strength training is your muscle exercise, intervals are your calorie-burning exercise. Doing short bursts of work followed by longer periods of recovery helps your body burn a tremendous amount of calories. And, the cardio machines at Results Fitness & Training Studio have multiple programs for you to interval train. We have top of the line machines & we vary the cardio program.
 How do you create healthy habits - by incorporating them slowly into your daily life. At Results Fitness & Training Studio we make nutritional changes incrementally so that you are successful with a particular change prior to making another one. Our training is the same. Within our small group training sessions we have clients with varied levels of strength so each exercise is uniquely modified to be challenging for the client based on their ability. As the clients strength increases the exercise program is continually modified to be challenging.
 Habits are created through your daily practices. Results Fitness & Training Studio's approach consists of making a change, mastering it, and then making another. We want you to be successful achieving your fitness goals and by using this approach, our clients are seeing RESULTS.
 Please share this post with your friends & family. At Results Fitness & Training Studio we look forward to seeing you and meeting new clients who are ready to implement the 5 Healthy Habits for fitness & health.
 Thank you and enjoy the day,
 Christina Linnehan, Owner/Trainer